It’s Been Awhile, so here’s a Podcast

Well, life sure does have a way of shifting priorities and redistributing precious time. But things are finally settling down and a sort of system or schedule is beginning to form that will hopefully lead itself to some new writing material soon. Goodness knows there are plenty of ideas brewing, just need to transfer them from the idea journal to the actual page.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a link. Several months back, I was featured on the Charlotte Reader’s Podcast – a wonderful venue that lets writers read and share their own work. The podcast is thriving, thanks to all the hard work from its creator, and is set to enter into it’s 3rd season. Recently it highlighted Season 1 again and I wanted to share that podcast to anyone still reading this that hasn’t listened to the podcast yet.

So give it a click and stick around to listen to other seasons and other episodes. It is time well spent.

Charlotte Readers Podcast